The genesis of National Cadet Corps is traced back to the enactment of Indian Defence Force Act 1917. The N.C.C. is not a para military organisation. It is a youth movement. It has enormous potential for Nation building and with its total strength of over 1 million students from schools and colleges, N.C.C. has developed into a valuable auxiliary to the education system. The N.C.C. provides exposure to the cadets in a wide range of activities with a distinct emphasis on social service, discipline and adventure training. National Cadel Corps of kerala has an overall strength of over 73695 cadets spread among 489 school and 226 colleges. It has developed as the biggest youth organisation of the country, symbolizing its motto of "Unity and Discipline"
Aims of NCC :
• To develop qualities of Character, Courage, Comradeship, Discipline, Leadership, Secular outlook, Spirit of adventure and the ideals of selfless service amongst the youth of the country.
• To create a human resource of Organized, Trained and Motivated youth, to provide leadership in all walks of life and always available for the service of the nation.
• To provide a suitable environment to motivate the youth to take up a career in the Armed Forces.
• To create a human resource of Organized, Trained and Motivated youth, to provide leadership in all walks of life and always available for the service of the nation.
• To provide a suitable environment to motivate the youth to take up a career in the Armed Forces.
N.C.C. Offers
a. To the Country
a. To the Country
• An out standing symbol of national integration
• An excellent nurturing ground for future leaders of the country
• A great reservoir of disciplined and motivated youth to contribute to the cause of nation building
• An excellent nurturing ground for future leaders of the country
• A great reservoir of disciplined and motivated youth to contribute to the cause of nation building
b. To the Students
• Opportunity for personality development
• Insentives to achieve academic excellence
• Opportunity to participate in adventure activities
• Monetory and medical assistance to cover mishaps during adventure activities
• Opportunity to travel liability
• Easy terms to enter the Armed Forces
• Insentives to achieve academic excellence
• Opportunity to participate in adventure activities
• Monetory and medical assistance to cover mishaps during adventure activities
• Opportunity to travel liability
• Easy terms to enter the Armed Forces
6 Coy of 23(K) BN N.C.C. Sree Rama Govt. Polytechnic College, Triprayar detailed around 60 Cadets per year in various campus orginsed by Cebtral/State level. 6 Coy arranged many social activities in every year Blood donation camp, Social works, Public awareness programme etc. Appearing "B" and "C" certificate examinations.
NCC Officer : Shri. Jineesh P S
Name | Rank | Contacts |
VISHNU.P.B | CSUO | 7356564584 |
KRISHNA K V | CUO | 8129256617 |
ANAKHA PRAKASH C P | CSM | 8547151297 |
BRIJITH.N.B | CQMS | 7592089797 |
ANANDHU T S | SGT | 7558859301 |
MEGHNA N P | SGT | 8547684067 |
ABHINAV M M | SGT | 7994273253 |
HARISREE K J | SGT | 9846648539 |