Community Development Through Polytechnics Scheme (CDTP)
Chief Coordinator & Principal : Mr. Baburajan T.S.
Ph: 0487 2394841
Mob: 9446723611
Internal Coordinator : Mr. Shejin T R
Mobile : 9447733249
Community Development Consultant : Mr. Sankaranarayanan
Mobile : 9495275704
The scheme of Community Development Through Polytechnic (CDTP) is a Rural Development Scheme sponsored by MHRD, Govt. of India. This is the modified form of Community Polytechnic Scheme (CPS) lounged in 1980's and is in action over 1200 polytechnics all over the country. The scheme is in operation in the polytechnics from the year 1986. Now the scheme has been shifted from MHRD to MSDE (Ministry of Skill Development & Enterpreneur) with effect from April 2017.
The major components of the scheme are:
1. Need Assessment Survey
2. Skill Development Training Programmes
3. Dissemination and application of appropriate technologies.
4. Technical and Support Services
5. Awareness Programmes
The need assessment survey aims survey of needs of people in technical knowledge and employment opportunities.
Under Skill Development Training Programmes, the scheme plans for giving training in technical and non-technical trades. This will enable them to enter in to better employment fields and thus improve their living standards.
The Polytechnics have large resources of Technical know how and facilities. By development of new and appropriate technologies suited for rural areas the productivity and employment qualities of the people can be increased. The Polytechnics also can provide technical and support services to the rural people.
The scheme also aims extending the uptodate knowledge in the fields of health, sanitation, energy, water management, agriculture, etc. to rural people by way of awareness programmes conducted by the Polytechnics.
The Polytechnic have established a number of extension centers in rural areas to carry out the activities under the scheme. Skill development training is given to over 600 people every year in Technical and Non-Technical trades. A separate office is working in the campus for execution of the activities.
The Principal is the Chief Coordinator of the scheme and a senior staff member works as Internal Coordinator.